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The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the world's deadliest to date and the World Health Organization has declared an international health emergency. It is known that Ebola virus was first recognized in 1976 in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo) in an outbreak that affected 318  people and resulted in 280 deaths. The virus affects humans and non -human primates, but the natural reservoir of Ebola is still unknown. Scientists believe Ebola spreads through zoonotic transmission, and the symptoms of Ebola are somewhat nonspecific at first. The first patient of an Ebola outbreak is thought to be infected through contact with an infected animal. From there, the virus can spread to other humans through direct contact with blood or body fluids. Within 2-21 days of exposure, patients usually experience fever, headache, joint and muscle aches, sore throat and weakness, later followed by diarrhoea, stomach pain and in some cases both internal and external bleeding. Strict medical infection control and rapid burial are regarded as the means of prevention o the disease.


1.The closest meaning of 'zoonotic transmission' is-

  • A. coming from a monkey
  • B. coming from a monkey
  • C. coming from a monkey
  • D. coming from a monkey

Answer: Option D


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