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Since the mid 1990s the IT value chain has gradually developed to become both horizontally and vertically more disintegrated. To improve the level of competitiveness in the market, more companies close to focus their business on only one single segment or one specific process. of a particular segment. With the internet gaining increasing popularize since 1995, past effort in continually upgrading computers components and hardware has gradually ,given way to the need for acquiring the capability to provide? information, software and emergency “edutainment” services through the web, for both corporate and individual users. There has been a growing wend toward integrating computers’? communication and consumer electronics products to become Information Appliances (IA). These devices are still in their early stages of development with on established architectural and technical standards.
1.The phrase “given way” in line 4 is closed in meaning to:
- A. Indicated
- B. Indicated
- C. Indicated
- D. Indicated
Answer: Option A
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