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1. The passive form of ‘he pleases us’?
- A. we were pleased with him
- B. we were pleased with him
- C. we were pleased with him
- D. we were pleased with him
Answer: Option B
We were all pleased by them…এখানে verb Object "us all=all of us " অর্থ্যাৎ They pleased us all= They pleased all of us….এখন passive করার সময় Subject হিসেবে "all of us= we all" হবে । কিন্তু Verb-এ Principal verb ও Auxiliary verb উভয়টা থাকলে "all" শব্দটা ব্যকরণের নিয়ম অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb এর পরে বসে।
এখানে We (Subject) + were (Aux. verb) + all + pleased ( principal verb)…এভাবে হবে…
Source:A Practical English Grammar by Thomson & Martinet
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