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Corruption deepens poverty by distorting social and economic development and disrupting the provision of essential public services. It also hurts democracy by undermining the principles of fair play and justice. Instead of contracts being awarded on the basis of fair competition relying on price, quality, and innovation, they are awarded as a result of competitive bribery. The consequences are dire. Investors keep away and trade suffers.
Transparency International (TI) defines corruption as the use of public office for private gain. Decisions are made not for public benefit but for private interests. Costs Incurred are high and prestigious projects are favored - over cost-efficient development projects. Access to basic social and economic rights such as education, 3medical care, adequate shelter, and clean water are jeopardized. The environment is threatened and human rights abuse flourishes. When . corruption increases, regimes become more secretive, less tolerant of; dissent and more fearful of the loss of power. TI believes that the stamping out of corruption is not the responsibility of any one agency but the responsibility of all parties concerned. Every section of society must pitch in because corruption affects everyone, especially the poor. The government, non-governmental organizations, members of society as well as the local and international business communities must work together if corruption is to be combated at all levels. As a first step, TI ropes in governments to set up chapters in countries. The function of The search national chapter is to seek. consensus and bring about systematic reform at both national and international levels. The media is also brought into the picture as one of the primary aims of each chapter is to raise public awareness. TI does not believe in broadcasting names or attacking individuals but on the building. systems that combat corruption.
1.Which of the following is not an effect of corruption?
- A. Development of competitive business environment
- B. Development of competitive business environment
- C. Development of competitive business environment
- D. Development of competitive business environment
Answer: Option A
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