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1. The length of a rectangle is twice than that of its breadth. If the length of the rectangle is increased by 10%, while its breadth is decreased by 10% what is the percentage change in the perimeter ?

  • A. 3 1/3%
  • B. 3 1/3%
  • C. 3 1/3%
  • D. 3 1/3%

Answer: Option A


ধরি, breadth x unit

length 2x unit

Perimeter 2 ( 2x + x) unit = 6x unit

10% বৃদ্ধিতে , breadth ( x - 10x/100) = 9x/10 unit

10% বৃদ্ধিতে length ( 2x + 120x/100) = 11x/5

Perimeter 2 ( 9x/10 + 11x/5) unit = 2 ×31x/10 = 31x/5

Perimeter বৃদ্ধির হার ( 31x /5 - 6x / 6x × 100%) = 3 1/3 %

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