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1. Rahim's convertible gets gas mileage that is 40% higher than that of Karim's SUV. If Jalil's hatchback gets gas mileage that is 15% higher than of Rahim's convertible, then that of Rahim's convertible, then Jalil's hatchback gets gas mileage that is what percent greater that of Karim's SUV?

  • A. 46%
  • B. 46%
  • C. 46%
  • D. 46%

Answer: Option C


ধরি, করিমের convertible - এর mileage  =  100 
রহিমের convertible এর mileage  =  করিমের 40% বেশি
 =  (100   +   40)  =  140 
এবং জলিলের concertible এর mileage  =  রহিমের 15% বেশি।
 =  140   +   140 এর 15%
 =  140   +   21  =  161 
জলিলের hatchback - এর gas mileage করিমের চেয়ে (161  -  10O)  =  61% বেশি।

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