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1. To fill a number of vacancies, a company must hire 3 officers from 6 applicants, and 2 managers from 4 applicants. What is the total number of ways in which the company can make its selection?

  • A. 132
  • B. 132
  • C. 132
  • D. 132

Answer: Option B


এটি permutation এর অঙ্ক। 3 জন officer 6 জন  থেকে  =  6P3 এবং 2 জন manager 4 জন থেকে  =  4P2; total  =  6P3  +  4P2  =  132

update: (11-02-23) it is combination problem. Since the order of vacancies doesn't matter. 

6C3 = 20 and 4C2= 6,         20 × 6 = 120 is the right answer. Given ans is wrong

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