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1. An empty swimming pool can be filled to capacity through an inlet pipe in 3 hours, and it can be completely drained by a drainpipe in 6 hours . If both pipes are fully open at the same time , in how many hours will the empty pool be filled to capacity?

  • A. 4
  • B. 4
  • C. 4
  • D. 4

Answer: Option B


Inlet pipe fill 1/3 part of the pool in 1 hour

Drain pipe drains 1/6 part of the pool in 1 hour

So, together they fill (1/3 - 1/6 = 1/6) part of the pool in 1 hour

So, together they will fill the pool completely in 6 hours

[Shortcut : (Inlet×Outlet) / (Outlet - Inlet) = (3×6) / (6 - 3) = 6 hr]

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