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1. ৬৫৫৯ এর সাথে কোন ক্ষুদ্রতম সংখ্যা যোগ করলে যোগফল একটি পূর্ণবর্গ সংখ্যা হবে?

  • A. ২
  • B. ২
  • C. ২
  • D. ২

Answer: Option A


81^2 = 6561 which is 02 greater than 6559. 


To know the method search on YouTube “least number to be added to make a perfect square” 


Trick: See the number 6559; which is greater than 80^2. 

80*80=6400. Think like this way, 6559 is greater than 80^2, lesser than what? The range should be between 80 to 81. 


Now find 81^2. You can take help of vadic mathematics, to do this multiplication faster. 

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