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1. A monkey climbs a 12-meters-high slippery pillar. In his first minute, he climbs 2 meters, and in the next minute, he slips one meter down. In this way, how much time will he take to reach the top of the pillar? What is the correct

  • A. 10 minutes
  • B. 10 minutes
  • C. 10 minutes
  • D. 10 minutes

Answer: Option D



On first minute monkey climb = 2 m

On the second minute it slips = 1 m 


On first minute monkey climb = 2 m

On the second minute it slips = 1 m

For every two minute,it climbs 1 m 

So, average speed = 1 m/2 min

For 10 m, time is taken = 20 min

For the last 2 m jump add 1 min

So time taken = 20 + 1 = 21 min

∴ Monkey takes 21 minutes to reach the top of the pole.

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