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1. A can complete a piece of work in 12 days, A, B and C can complete the work in 6 days, Efficiency of B is 0.5 times the efficiency of In how many days C can complete the works= alone?
- A. 24 days
- B. 24 days
- C. 24 days
- D. 24 days
Answer: Option A
Efficiency ratio of A:B = 1 : 3 = 2:1
So, days ratio A:B = 1:2
A needs 12 days, So B needs 12x2 = 24 days
C can do in 1 day = 1/6 - {(1/12) + (1/24)} = (1/6) - ((3/24) = (1/24) part
C can do 1/24 part in 1 day
" " " 1 " " 1X24 = 24 day.
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