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Probably no belief has been more tenaciously held among people of all times than the conviction that it is possible to judge an individual's mental characteristics by the way he is put together physically. Novelists describe the build, facial shape, coloring, and cloths of their characters in such a way as to accentuate the inner qualities which they assume are  'pooh-pooh' the idea of fortune -telling in general still feel that "there may be something in this palmistry or phrenology." Books explaining personality in terms of the glands obtain wide and enthusiastic acceptance. Employment interviewers develop their own systems of judging prospective employees by their appearance. Habits of thinking in such terms are ingrained in our language in such expressions as "high-brow," "long-headed," of "thin-skinned ."


2. 'Prospective ' in the passage is a /an ____ .

  • A. adverb
  • B. adverb
  • C. adverb
  • D. adverb

Answer: Option C


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