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In a group of people solicited by a charity, 30% contributed TK. 40 each, 45% contributed TK. 20 each and the rest contributed TK. 12 each. What percentage of the total amount came from people who gave TK. 40 each ?
- A. 25%
- B. 25%
- C. 25%
- D. 25%
Answer: Option E
Let, total participant = 100
30% contributed = 40×30% = 40×30/100 = 12 Tk.
45% contributed = 20 × 45 % = 20×45/100 = 9 Tk.
Test = { 100 - ( 30 + 45) }% = 25% contributed = 12×25/100 = 3 Tk.
The percentage of total amount came from people who gave Tk 40 each = 12 /( 12 + 9 + 3) ×100 = 50%
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