Discuss Forum

1. Identify the correct question tag: Let us attend the party.

  • A. shall not we?
  • B. shall not we?
  • C. shall not we?
  • D. shall not we?

Answer: Option B


Rules - 01: Imperative sentence যদি Let us / Let’s  দ্বারা শুরু হয় তাহলে  shall we  বসে।  যেমন: Let’s have a party , shall we  ? / Let’s go out for a walk , shall we  ?  Rules - 02: Imperative sentence যদি Let him / her / them দ্বারা শুরু হয় তাহলে  will you  বসে।  যেমন: Don’t forget me , will you? / Don’t make a noise , will you?

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