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Rabindranath Tagore, an unparalleled worshiper of beauty,pursues beauty not extrinsically but essentially introspectively, ‘and the sense of beauty appears in his conception as a living,  dynamic force. As the spring of beauty is heart, his quest for beauty is chiefly in the heart's Eden. He searches for the basis of the budding beauty of creation within himself and finds an indomitable force within himself. However, as human creativity is dependent upon forces from the phenomenal :world, unless and until its motivated by something in this world or universal life that generates human capacity to:appreciate beauty, the human mind cannot succeed in appreciating it. Tagore’s quest for beauty, in such a case, is stirred by his wonderful experiences with nature. The word or nature quivering inside the poet's heart leads him to search ,beauty in the outer world. It appeals to him both an account ‘or its purer beauty and the sensuous beauty of the most commonplace objects. .

The way tagore pursue beauty is-

  • A. extricsic
  • B. extricsic
  • C. extricsic
  • D. extricsic

Answer: Option C


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