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1. The first shock that I received had nothing to do with the stone ; figures I had come to see. It was the sight of the island itself that. filled me with astonishment. It was so barren: there were no trees, and it was apparent that scarcely any ground was good enough to support crops. Yet nobody looked hungry or unhappy. The second shock left me in a state of wonder. Many people have indeed seen photographs of the enormous stone figures, but the pictures show single statues or groups of only three or-four. What I now discovered was that there are hundreds; they are all over the island. ‘he greatest concentration of the figures is near the eastern tip. Here lies the quarry from which the stone was taken. What surprised the writer at first?

  • A. The stone figures
  • B. The stone figures
  • C. The stone figures
  • D. The stone figures

Answer: Option C


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