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Natural calamities are not uncommon in our part of the world. Annual flooding is regularly complimented by annual droughts in many parts of Bangladesh. To these two chief agents of our misery, you can add the violent storms that originate in the Bay of Bengal and wreak death and destruction on our coastal belt every now and then. The most recent example is hurricane side that struck that southern  districts on the evening of 15 November 2007, Despite early warning and precautionary measures, the devastation caused by side has been horrifying You look to the West and realize with a start that catastrophes such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and flash floods are also becoming more and more frequent there. You can't help wondering whether what you call natural calamities are wholly natural today, for some of them are, to a very considerable degree. certainly caused by air and water pollution, deforestation was on a big and small scale, each, of which is a creation of man and all of which have combined to produce the alarming phenomenon called global warming you ask: are not natural calamities really nature's vengeance of the sins committed by man against nature?

'Every now and then' means---.

  • A. always
  • B. always
  • C. always
  • D. always

Answer: Option D


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