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1. In a cricket team scores X runs on average over N games and then scores Y runs in the next game, then the average score for the team over the (N + 1) games is---

  • A. (X + Y)/(N + 1)
  • B. (X + Y)/(N + 1)
  • C. (X + Y)/(N + 1)
  • D. (X + Y)/(N + 1)

Answer: Option B


The average score for the team over (N+1) games can be calculated as follows:

Total Runs After N Games: The first N games is the average (X) multiplied by the number of games (N). So, total runs after N games = N * X.

Total Runs After (N+1) Games: After the next game, Y runs are added to the previous total. Therefore, total runs after (N+1) games = N * X + Y.

Average Score After (N+1) Games: we divide the total runs after (N+1) games by the number of games (N+1). So, average score = (N * X + Y) / (N + 1).

Therefore, the average score for the team over the (N+1) games is (N * X + Y) / (N + 1).

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