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Athens and Sparta were the two advanced Greek cities of the world Hellenic period (1750-338 B.C.). Both had a city-state type, of government, and both took slaves from the people they, conquered. However, the differences outweigh the similarities in these two ancient civilizations. Sparta was holistic, warlike; (constantly fighting in the neighboring cities), and military, while' Athens catered more towards the democratic and cultural way of life. The latter city 'ell its mark in the fields of art, literature,: philosophy, and science, while the former passed on its totalitarianism and superior military traditions. The presen0 system of a well-rounded education followed in the United States is based on the ancient Athenian idea. The Spartan .system, on the _other hand, was concerned only with military education
1.which of the following as borrowed from Athens by the United States?
- A. well rounded education
- B. well rounded education
- C. well rounded education
- D. well rounded education
Answer: Option A
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