2761 . "Ode to the West Wind" is by -

  • A. Keats
  • B. Shelley
  • C. Coleridge
  • D. Wordsworth
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বাংলাদেশ রপ্তানি প্রক্রিয়াকরণ এলাকা কর্তৃপক্ষ (BEPZA) || উপসহকারী প্রকৌশলী (বিদ্যুৎ)(03-11-2023) 2023

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জাতীয় সংসদ সচিবালায়ের সহকারী পরিচালক-১২.০৬.২০০৬ || 2006

2763 . Where is expressed the view that 'There is a divinity that shapes our ends?

  • A. In King Lear
  • B. In Hamlet
  • C. In The Tempest
  • D. In Merry Wives of Windsor
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2764 . Select the antonym of 'Bless' ?

  • A. Blame
  • B. Abuse
  • C. Soold
  • D. Curse
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2765 . P.B. Shelley is known as -

  • A. Epic poet
  • B. Romantic poet
  • C. Poet of nature
  • D. Poet of beauty
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বিদ্যুৎ উন্নয়ন বোর্ডের উপ-সহকারী-১৯.১০.২০১২

2766 . Pioneer of Romanticism is/are --?

  • A. Wordsworth
  • B. Coleridge
  • C. Both
  • D. None
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উপজেলা/থানা শিক্ষা অফিসার (25-06-2010)

2768 . Who was English poet addicted to opium ?

  • A. S.T. Coleridge
  • B. P.B. Shelly
  • C. John Keats
  • D. S. Buck
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2769 . There is a bridge ---- the river.

  • A. on
  • B. over
  • C. for
  • D. above
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পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয়ের ব্যক্তিগত কর্মকর্তা-১২.০২.২০০৬

2770 . Romanticism is mainly connected with of -

  • A. John and happiness
  • B. Expectation and disappointment
  • C. Love and beauty
  • D. Exitement and sensation
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2771 . Shakespeare was famous for all but one of the followings:

  • A. comedies
  • B. tragedies
  • C. bourgeoisic drama
  • D. tragic-drama
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2772 . Most important feature of romantic poetry -

  • A. Beauty
  • B. Nature
  • C. Subjectivity
  • D. Imagination
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দুর্নীতি দমন ব্যুরো || পরিদর্শক (07-02-2003)

2773 . Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' is a--

  • A. comedy
  • B. satire
  • C. tragedy
  • D. low comedy
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2774 . The synonym of 'Termination' is -

  • A. End
  • B. Rare
  • C. Cultivation
  • D. Activation
  • E. Modification
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