496 .  নিচের কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?  

  • A. Walking in the garden, a snake bite him
  • B. Grammar is the better servant than a master
  • C. It has been raning for three days
  • D. He gave the examination
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497 .  Effective revision means :  

  • A. Relearning everything you have covered during the semester
  • B. Copying out all your notes several times
  • C. Using techniques to actively engage your mind on the topic
  • D. Both of the above
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498 . The author states that during war time the regular sources of news present only -

  • A. optimistic reports
  • B. pessimistic reports
  • C. limited information
  • D. government propaganda
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500 .  নিচের কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?  

  • A. He gave me some advice
  • B. Anwar requested for my help
  • C. I am very better today
  • D. He took nap
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501 .  Aref told us that he had waited an hour' বাক্যটির direct speech হবে-  

  • A. Aref said to us, "I waited an hour"
  • B. Aref said to us, "I have been waiting an hour."
  • C. Aref said to us, "I had to wait an hour."
  • D. Aref told to us, "I have waited an hour."
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মহা হিসাব নিরীক্ষক ও নিয়ন্ত্রক-এর অধীন অডিটর-৩০.১২.২০১১

প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয় প্রধান শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-2009-(শাপলা-02) (12-09-2009)

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বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনী ।। শিক্ষক/কম্পিউটার অপারেটর/ক্যাশিয়ার/সহকারী পরীক্ষক (17-06-2023)

504 .  Ill news (to run) apace.”  

  • A. Ill news run apace
  • B. Ill news runs apace
  • C. Ill news have run apace
  • D. Ill news running apace
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505 .  কোন্ বানানটি শুদ্ধ?  

  • A. Conoisseur
  • B. Connoiseur
  • C. Connoisseur
  • D. Connoisser
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506 .  Rabbi suggests to hold a party  

  • A. Rabbi sugests that a party should be held
  • B. Rabbi suggests that a party to be held
  • C. A party is suggested to be hold by Rabbi
  • D. A party is suggested to hold by Rabbi
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507 . Most atoms do not possess this property-এর সঠিক বঙ্গানুবাদ-  

  • A. পরমাণু দ্বারা এটা সম্ভব নয়
  • B. বেশির ভাগ পরমাণুর নিয়ন্ত্রণ ক্ষমতা নেই
  • C. এই সম্পত্তির অধিকারী পরমাণুর উদ্ভাবনকারী নয়
  • D. বেশিরভাগ পরমাণুর এই বৈশিষ্ট্যটি নেই
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508 . Choose the correct speech of the following sentence. She said, "I have done my duty"  

  • A. She said that she has done her duty
  • B. She said that she had do the duty
  • C. She said that she had done her duty
  • D. None of these
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509 . What is blotted cannot be-  

  • A. blotted
  • B. broken
  • C. endured
  • D. updated
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510 . ইংরেজিতে শিখা সহজ  

  • A. English is easy for learning
  • B. The English is easy to learn
  • C. It is easy to learning English
  • D. It is easy to learn English
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