21841 . What does the writer want to highlight ?

  • A. Talent is special quality to achieve greatness
  • B. The great achievers are never talented
  • C. One cannot be a successful businessman without effort
  • D. Putting effort is all the more important than calculating one's talent
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D ইউনিট : 2017-2018 || জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2017

21842 . What does the writr mean by- all but unimaginable"?

  • A. It is almost impossible to imaging death
  • B. It is not possible to imaging death
  • C. Death does not exist
  • D. We should try to imaging death
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21843 . What does this Latin Expression 'ie.' stand for?

  • A. ideal energy
  • B. inner edge
  • C. id est
  • D. it east
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১৩ তম বিজেএস (সহকারী জজ) প্রাথমিক পরীক্ষা (08-11-2019)

21844 . what does TI suggest for fighting against corruption?

  • A. Developing a system to fight against corruption
  • B. Identifying corrupted individuals and penalize them
  • C. Establishing powerful committees to take action against corruption
  • D. Empowering mass people to protest against corruption
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বিদ্যুৎ-জ্বালানি ও খনিজ সম্পদ মন্ত্রণালয় || সহকারী বিস্ফোরক পরিদর্শক (20-02-2003)

21846 . What dose 'apertheid'refers to______

  • A. Apart
  • B. distance
  • C. discrimination
  • D. dialogue
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আইন- বিচার ও সংসদ বিষয়ক মন্ত্রণালয়ের সাব-রেজিস্ট্রার-২৯.০১.২০১৬

21847 . What dose the 'net' in internet stand for?

  • A. Network
  • B. Fishing nets
  • C. Speed
  • D. Capacity
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ঘ ইউনিট ২০১৮-২০১৯ || ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2018

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C ইউনিট : ২০০২-২০০৩ || চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2002

21849 . What factor made people prefer the movies to the theater?

  • A. World War-I
  • B. The fact that the films were less expensive
  • C. The fact that the films were silent
  • D. The fact that the films were shorter
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D ইউনিট : 2013-2014 || জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2013

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জাতীয় রাজস্ব বোর্ডের সহকারী রাজস্ব কর্মকর্তা(মুক্তিযোদ্ধা ও ক্ষুদ্র নৃগোষ্ঠী)-২৮.০৮.২০১৫

21851 . What figure of speech do you find in "budding beauty"?

  • A. Assonance
  • B. Alliteration
  • C. Simile
  • D. Metaphor
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খ ইউনিট ২০১৭-২০১৮ || ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2017

21852 . What happened to the attackers?

  • A. The escaped
  • B. They were arrested
  • C. They died
  • D. They were chased
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21853 . What happens when conflict is not handled properly?

  • A. It damages the bond of relationship
  • B. It keeps no influence on our relationship
  • C. It provides an opportunity to build our relationship
  • D. It strengthens the bond of relationship
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A ইউনিট : 2015-2016 || জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2015

21854 . What happens when the federal reserve provides too little money?

  • A. Demand for loan increases
  • B. Unemployment goes sown
  • C. Interest rates go up
  • D. Business expand
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C ইউনিট : 2017-2018 || জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2017

21855 . What have you bought? (Passive )

  • A. What are bought by you?
  • B. What is bought by you?
  • C. What are bought by you?
  • D. What has been bought by you?
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১০ তম শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন পরীক্ষা (স্কুল সমপর্যায়-২) (30-05-2014)