22066 . What is the Correct synonym for ‘serence’?

  • A. Noisy
  • B. Clamorous
  • C. Trubulent
  • D. Tranquil
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B Unit (মানবিক)।। ২০২২-২০২৩ (20-05-2023) || 2023

22067 . What is the correct synonym of 'Donated' ?

  • A. Used
  • B. Spent
  • C. Contributed
  • D. Channeled
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22068 . What is the correct synonym of the word 'indigent'?

  • A. poor
  • B. wealthy
  • C. comfortable
  • D. affluent
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B Unit (মানবিক) || ২০২৩-২০২৪ (03-05-2024) || গুচ্ছ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়(GST) || 2024

22069 . What is the correct transformation of the following sentence into interrogative ? 'Every man hates war.'

  • A. Is there any man who doesn't hate war?
  • B. Is there any men who doesn't hate war?
  • C. Are there any man who doesn't hate war?
  • D. Are there any man who doesn't hate war?
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সরকারি মাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালয় সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-2009-(09-10-2009)

22070 . What is the correct translation of ' তিনি কঠোর পরিশ্রম করতে অভ্যস্ত'?

  • A. He wants to word hard
  • B. He was used to working hard
  • C. He will be used to work hard
  • D. He is used to working hard
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প্রতিরক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয় || বাংলাদেশ জরিপ অধিদপ্তর || সহকারী সুপারিনটেনডেন্ট অব সার্ভে (27-04-2005)

22071 . What is the correct translation of ‘রিমা হাসতে হাসতে চলে গেল’।

  • A. Rima went away with laugh.
  • B. Rima goes away in laughing.
  • C. Rina went away laughing.
  • D. Rima goes with laughing.
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22072 . What is the correct translation of " দু ভাইয়ের মধ্যে আমগুলো ভাগ করে দাও”?

  • A. Divide mangoes among the two brothers
  • B. Divide mangoes among the two
  • C. Divide mangoes between the two brothers
  • D. Divide mangoes among them
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উপজেলা/থানা শিক্ষা অফিসার (19-03-2004)

22073 . What is the correct translation of "নবনী তোমর জন্য অনেকক্ষণ অপেক্ষা করিতেছে”?

  • A. Nabani was waiting for you
  • B. Nabani has been waiting for you for a long time
  • C. Nabani will be waiting for you for a long time
  • D. Nabani is waiting for you
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উপজেলা/থানা শিক্ষা অফিসার (19-03-2004)

22074 . What is the correct translation of ---

  • A. He went away with laugh
  • B. He went away laughing
  • C. He went laughing
  • D. He goes away in laughing
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সরকারি মাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালয় সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-2006-(14-07-2006) || 2006

22075 . what is the correct translation of : 'অনেক গৃহকর্ত্রী যারা বাড়িতে প্রায় সারাদিন কাজ করেন।'

  • A. There are many housewives who work almost all day
  • B. Many housewives work at home almost all day
  • C. Many housewives work at home all day almost
  • D. Housewives work at home almost all day at home
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মহিলা বিষয়ক অধিদপ্তরের উপজেলা মহিলা কর্মকর্তা-১৪.০১.২০০৫

22076 . what is the correct translation of the following line? এখন অনেক রাত।

  • A. It is very many late at night now.
  • B. Now many nights .
  • C. It is deep night now.
  • D. Here it is very late night.
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22077 . What is the correct translation of the following line? মুদ্রাস্ফীতি বাড়তে থাকায় টাকার দাম কমেছে।

  • A. As inflation is rising, the value of the TaKa is decresing
  • B. As inflation keeps rising, the Taka value is losing
  • C. While the value of the Taka decrease, inflation rises
  • D. While the inflation rises, the value of the Taka also rises
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22078 . What is the correct translation of the following sentence ’দুঃখের প্রয়োজনীয়তা মধুর’?

  • A. Sweet is the uses of adversity
  • B. Sweet are the uses of adversity
  • C. Sweet is uses of the adversity
  • D. Sweet do not use the adversity
  • E. Sweet is the uses of the adversity
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E ইউনিট : ২০১৪-২০১৫ || চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2014

22079 . What is the correct translation of the sentence 'তিলকে তাল করা'?

  • A. To make a mountain out of a mole hill
  • B. Make a small thing bigger
  • C. Mountain is bigger than hill
  • D. Hill is not as big as mountain
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22080 . What is the correct translation of নদীটা খুবই গভীর:

  • A. The rover is very profound
  • B. The river is very deep
  • C. The river is to deep
  • D. The rivers full profound
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C ইউনিট : 2009-2010 || জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2009