24211 . Which period is known as "The golden age of English literature ?

  • A. The Victorian age
  • B. The Elizabethen age
  • C. The Restoration age
  • D. The Eighteenth Century
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৩৮ তম বিসিএস প্রিলিমিনারি টেস্ট (29-12-2017)

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D-1 উপ ইউনিট (২০২৩-২০২৪) || (04-03-2024) || চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2024

24213 . Which phrase best completes the following sentence? Tell me ____ that?

  • A. who tells you
  • B. who told you
  • C. whom told you
  • D. told yoy
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F ইউনিট : 2013-2014 || রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2013

24214 . Which phrase contains words opposed to each other in meaning?

  • A. Hopes and aspiration
  • B. Heat and dust
  • C. Reproduction and death
  • D. Emerged and advanced
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২৩ তম (বিশেষ) বিসিএস প্রিলিমিনারি টেস্ট (মুক্তিযোদ্ধা) (23-03-2001)

24215 . Which phrase contains words that are opposite to each other?

  • A. hope and aspiration
  • B. bright and clear
  • C. death and dissolution
  • D. conflict and resolution
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খ ইউনিট : 2014-2015 || জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2014

24216 . Which phrase contains words that are oppsoite to each other in meaning?

  • A. death and dishonor
  • B. beauty and youth
  • C. conflict and resolution
  • D. charity and purity
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খ ইউনিট ২০০০-২০০১ || ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2000

24217 . Which phrase contains works opposed to each other in meaning?

  • A. hopes and aspirations
  • B. heat and wartmth
  • C. reproduction and death
  • D. bullets and boyonets
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খ ইউনিট ১৯৯৯-২০০০ || ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 1999

24218 . Which phrase doesn't mean "return a telephone a call"?

  • A. Call back
  • B. Ring Back
  • C. Return back
  • D. All of these
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24219 . Which phrase indicates the interior flow of thought employed in high-modern literature?

  • A. Automatic writing
  • B. Confused daze
  • C. Free association
  • D. Stream of consciousness
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সমন্বিত ৭ ব্যাংক || সিনিয়র অফিসার-05-11-2021 ||

24220 . Which phrase is the most polite?

  • A. Can you help me?
  • B. Can you help me? Help me
  • C. Would you mind giving me a hand?
  • D. All of these
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24221 . Which phrase prohibits someone to do something?

  • A. Staff mustn't use company lounge
  • B. Staff doesn't have to file holiday request before they leave
  • C. Staff shouldn't expect a response before next week
  • D. All of these
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24222 . Which phrase word best describe 'the cuckoo'?

  • A. the scavenger of Nature
  • B. a bird that does not sleep at night
  • C. the harbinger of spring
  • D. the queen of the forest
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খ ইউনিট : 2011-2012 || জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2011

24223 . Which plural word can be used as singular?

  • A. books
  • B. ethics
  • C. princes
  • D. universities
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E ইউনিট : 2017-2018 || রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2017

24224 . Which poetry is written by sir Walter Scott ?

  • A. Patriotism
  • B. The patriot
  • C. A Frosty Night
  • D. All of the above
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24225 . Which poetry is written by Sir Walter Scott?

  • A. A Frosty Night
  • B. The Patriot
  • C. Justice
  • D. Patriotism
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