331 . Who is a nobel laureate?

  • A. John Keats
  • B. W. B. Yeats
  • C. Joseph Conrad
  • D. W. H. Auden
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বহিরাগমন ও পাসপোর্ট অধিদপ্তরের সহকারী পরিচালক-১২.১২.২০১৪

332 . Which one is not he coherent mythical couple?

  • A. Cupid & Psyche
  • B. Pygmalion & Galatea
  • C. Pyramus & Thisbe
  • D. Hector & Andromache
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333 . Lord Tennyson is the poet of -

  • A. Neo-classical era
  • B. Renaissane era
  • C. Victorian era
  • D. Romantic era
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334 .  Who wrote 'The Charge of the Light Brigate'?

  • A. T. S Eliot
  • B. S.T. Coleridge
  • C. Lord Tennyson
  • D. Sir James Barry
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335 . "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so," Said by -.

  • A. James Thurber
  • B. William Shakespeare
  • C. John Keats
  • D. T. S. Eliot
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336 .  'A collection of choice poems' is called -

  • A. Authology
  • B. Cartography
  • C. Ontology
  • D. Bibliography
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337 . W. B. Yeats lived during the reign of —.

  • A. Elizabeth
  • B. Modern Age
  • C. Victoria
  • D. James II
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338 . Who is author of 'Life of Johnson'?

  • A. James Boswell
  • B. S. T. Coleridge
  • C. Seamus Heaney
  • D. Andrew Marvell
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339 . Which of the following is the odd-man-out?

  • A. Kamala Das
  • B. Mulk Raj Anand
  • C. Anita Deasai
  • D. E. M. Forster
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340 . 'Pickwick Paper' is a -  

  • A. periodical
  • B. chronicle
  • C. dairy
  • D. novel
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341 . Which of the following is the odd-men-out?  

  • A. Mephistopheles
  • B. Aerial
  • C. Puck
  • D. Titania
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343 .  In which play of Shakespeare does Adam appear?

  • A. The Tempest
  • B. King Lear
  • C. Hamlet
  • D. As You Like It
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344 .  Which of the following is the odd-man-out?

  • A. The Way of the World
  • B. Volpone
  • C. The Tempest
  • D. The Faerie Queen
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345 . The shortest period in English literature is -

  • A. Georgian Period
  • B. The Edwardian Period
  • C. The Restoration Period
  • D. Caroline Period
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