361 . Who of the following is a writer of Jacobean period?

  • A. P. B. Shelley
  • B. Christopher Marlowe
  • C. John Webster
  • D. Lord Byron
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362 . "The Traveler' is a poem by -.

  • A. Jonathan Swift
  • B. Matthew Arnold
  • C. Oliver Goldsmith
  • D. Christopher Marlowe
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363 . Which of the following is odd-man-out?

  • A. David Copperfield
  • B. Great Expectations
  • C. A Tale of Two Cities
  • D. As You Like It
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365 . Which of the following covers the bulk of a Shakespeare tragedy?

  • A. Exposition
  • B. Denouncement
  • C. Conflict
  • D. Catastrophe
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366 . Which of the following is not a poem written by Robert Frost?

  • A. Design
  • B. Mending Wall
  • C. The Pasture
  • D. Jaguar
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367 . "Books are not absolutely dead things, but do contain a potency of life." Said by -

  • A. John Dryden
  • B. Francis Bacon
  • C. John Milton
  • D. Matthew Arnold
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368 . William Wordsworth is pre-eminently -

  • A. a poet of love
  • B. a poet of nature
  • C. a poet of liberty
  • D. a poet of humanism
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সড়ক পরিবহন ও সেতু মন্ত্রণালয়ের অধীন বিআরটিএ'র মোটরযান পরিদর্শক - 08.12.2017

369 . "Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting...."was stated by -

  • A. Elizabeth Bowen
  • B. William Wordsworth
  • C. R. K. Narayan
  • D. William Shakespeare
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370 . John Osborn's 'Look Back in Anger' is an/an -.

  • A. novel
  • B. drama
  • C. epic
  • D. short story
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371 . America born British writer-

  • A. W. B. Yeats
  • B. T. S Eliot
  • C. William Wordsworth
  • D. G. B Shaw
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372 . Fyodor Dostoyevsky is a/an -

  • A. Essayist
  • B. Dramatist
  • C. Poet
  • D. Novelist
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373 .  What is the inner significance of the poem 'The Arrow and The Song'?

  • A. It is a story of mere flight of an arrow and song
  • B. Hard things and soft things remain side by a side
  • C. Cruel deeds and good deeds have effect upon mind
  • D. A hard can never be compared to a soft song
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374 . Nobel Prize winner American Lady novelist -

  • A. M. Bronte
  • B. Jane Austin
  • C. V. Woolf
  • D. Pearl S. Back
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গৃহায়ন ও গণপূর্ত মন্ত্রণালয়ের আবাসন পরিদপ্তরের সহকারী পরিচালক-২৯.০৯.২০০৬

375 . What is the inner significance of the poem 'The Arrow and The Song'?

  • A. It is a story of mere flight of an arrow and song
  • B. Hard things and soft things remain side by a side
  • C. Cruel deeds and good deeds have effect upon mind
  • D. A hard can never be compared to a soft song
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